Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Day 18

Political Participation: Voter Turnout
Learning Targets:  Students will be able to....
  • Explain the roles that individual choice and state laws play in voter turnout in elections.
    Opener: Voter turnout in the US - Quickwrite

    Prompt:  List 3 possible causes for low voter turnout.  How could we increase voter turnout in the US?  What would be the advantages and disadvantages of a higher turnout?

    Activity #1Voter Turnout Doc Analysis


    Image result for democrat republican map
    Election laws generally fall into seven different categories that can influence turnout: 
    1. voter-registration deadlines 
    2. restrictions on registrations and registration drives
    3. preregistration laws that allow people under 18 to register in advance of their first elections
    4. laws governing ease of voting (like early and absentee voting)
    5. voter ID requirements and 
    6. polling hours.



    In 1992, the most treasured voter was a voter that would sort of swing back and forth, one that might vote for Republican for president, Democrat for governor. The voter that didn't have that strong of a partisan ID. These were the voters that we targeted. 

    - James Carville, Campaign Strategist for Bill Clinton

    Activity #2: -  N-50 Voting Behavior

    LD - a form of electoral behavior. Understanding voters' behavior can explain how and why decisions were made either by politicians or by the electorate. Involves both political science and psychology. Political psychology researchers study ways to motivate and educate voters to increase participation

    SD - 

    Examples - 
    - Identity Politics - 
    - Rational Choice -
    - Prospective vs Retrospective -

    Non Examples - N/A

    Related Terms - Polling, Primaries, Suffrage

    Close Exit Ticket - Claim Revision - 5 minutes

    Before you leave today, provide a 1-3 sentence response to the following prompt.  Your response should be a specific claim AND provide a line of reasoning.

    Prompt:  What advantages does an incumbent  (a president or congressman that is seeking reelection) have over their competition that has to win primary elections*?

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