Day 17 -
Political Ideology Wrap-up
Learning Targets: Students will be able to....
- Describe different political ideologies on the role of government in regulating the marketplace.
- Explain how the ideologies of the two major parties shape policy debates.
- Explain how U.S. political culture (e.g., values, attitudes, and beliefs) influences the formation, goals, and implementation of public policy over time.
- Describe different political ideologies regarding the role of government in regulating the marketplace.
Opener: R or D - A quick review
- More government is the problem, not the solution
- I would rather see my taxes cut and lose benefits
- Public education needs the assistance of federal funding
- Medical coverage is a right and should be provided by the government
- Corporations should be heavily fined for violating environmental laws
- There can be no limits placed on the right to bear arms
- Only legal immigrants should be entitled to any government benefits
- A flat tax rate is the only fair way in which to distribute the burden of taxes
- The federal deficit should be reduced even if we have to cut benefits
- Traditional family values and religion are the heart of society
Activity #1: Political Party Stances
See T-Chart on whiteboard
See T-Chart on whiteboard
Activity #2: Unit 4 Quiz
- Political Ideology
- What does "Liberal" and "Conservative" mean?
- Political Socialization
- How do we form our political views?
- Party Stances
- Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian
- Polling
- Types, uses, advantages/disadvantages, etc.
Close - Student CPE Presentations
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