Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Day 12

Political Ideologies and Beliefs: Political Socialization

Learning Targets:  Students will be able to....
  • Explain the relationship between core beliefs of U.S. citizens and attitudes about the role of government. 
  • Explain how cultural factors influence political attitudes and socialization. 

We need to reject any politics that targets people because of race or religion. This isn't a matter of political correctness. It's a matter of understanding what makes us strong. The world respects us not just for our arsenal; it respects us for our diversity and our openness and the way we respect every faith.

     - Former President Barack Obama, State of the Union Address, 2016

Opener:  Below are the most common sources for the formation of political opinion.  Choose the 2 that you feel are/were the most influential in developing your political opinions and craft a an argument for why that might be.   Be sure to provide a line of reasoning for your claim that allows others to fully understand your thinking.  
  • Peers
  • Parents
  • School/teachers
  • Famous figure
  • News Media
  • Social Media
  • Movies/shows
  • Political Ads
  • Other nation's policies
When you have finished, compare your list with your neighbor.  Make sure that you take the time to explain your top and bottom choices in your ranking to that person.

Activity #1Statistical Analysis - TIP-C + M.C.

1.  Which of the following is a potential consequence of the trend present in the chart above?

     a.  Campaign fund raising will become less important in future elections as more voters turn to social media.
     b.  Social media platforms will likely be forced to comply with Federal Election Commission restrictions and              guidelines.
     c.  Younger voters will likely demonstrate an increased involvement in politics and elections compared to                  previous generations.
     d.  New forms of mass communication can influence how younger citizens choose to learn about and                      support candidates.

Activity #2: -  Political Socialization and Life Changes

Below are a list of common life events that can alter a person's political ideology.  Which 2 do you think are most likely to alter or change your thinking as you get older and your circumstances change?  Craft another argument and line of reasoning to explain your thinking.
  • Graduating high school and/or college
  • Receiving your first "real" paycheck
  • Getting married
  • Buying a home
  • Having a child
  • Inheriting wealth
  • Financial strain
  • Being a victim of a crime
  • Retirement

Close - Student Current Event Analysis Presentations (CPE's)

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