Day 11
Political Ideologies and Beliefs: Political Socialization
Learning Targets: Students will be able to....
- Explain the relationship between core beliefs of U.S. citizens and attitudes about the role of government.
- Explain how cultural factors influence political attitudes and socialization.
- Former President Barack Obama, State of the Union Address, 2016
Opener: ASAP in your notebook
As soon as any man says of the affairs of the State "What does it matter to me?" the State may be given up for lost.
― From "The Social Contract" by
Activity #1: Political Ideology and Socialization Interview
Activity #2: - Political Socialization - Quickwrite
In no more than 3-5 sentences, explain how expanding the right to vote to American citizens over the last 150 years has influenced how we form our political views.
- 15th Amendment - Granted all men the right to vote
- 17th Amendment - Direct election of Senators
- 19th Amendment - Granted Women the right to vote
- 26th Amendment - Changed voting age to 18
- Voting Rights Act 1965 - Removed obstacles for voting (tests, taxes, etc)
Close - Student Current Event Analysis
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