Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Day 24

Political Participation: Expanding Suffrage

Learning Targets:  Students will be able to....
  • Explain how legal protections found in federal legislation and the Fifteenth, Seventeenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-Fourth, and Twenty-Sixth Amendments relate to the expansion of opportunities for political participation. 
  • Describe the impact that demographics and political efficacy can have on voter choice and turnout, structural barriers and type of election also affect voter turnout in the U.S., as represented by:
    State voter registration lawsProcedures on how, when, and where to voteMid-term (congressional) or general presidential elections 

Opener: Claim and Reason - 7 minutes

Provide a 1-3 sentence response to the following prompt.  Your response should be a specific claim AND provide a line of reasoning.

Prompt:  How has the expansion of suffrage influenced modern campaigns and elections?

Activity #1Explain using evidence

Now supply specific evidence and explanation using examples from the amendments and acts below.  This should be no more than 2-3 paragraphs
  • 15th Amendment
  • 17th Amendment
  • 19th Amendment
  • 24th Amendment
  • 26th Amendment
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965
Activity #2: -  Prepare a refutation

Now prepare a 2-3 sentence explanation of an opposing or alternative argument/claim  

Activity #3 N-50 - Voting Behavior

LD - The study of patterns and determinants of the choices voters make during elections.  Factors influencing voter choice include: 
  • Party identification and ideological orientation
  • Candidate characteristics
  • Contemporary political issues
  • Religious beliefs or affiliation, gender, race and ethnicity, and other demographic characteristics
  • Election cycle (primaries, mid-terms, local, etc.) 
SD -

Examples -
  • Rational-choice voting–Voting based on what is perceived to be in the citizen’s individual interest
  • Retrospective voting–Voting to decide whether the party or candidate in power should be re-elected based on the recent past
  • Prospective voting–Voting based on predictions of how a party or candidate will perform in the future
  • Party-line voting–Supporting a party by voting for candidates from one political party for all public offices across the ballot 
Non-Examples - Poll locations, types of ballots,

Related Terms - Political Ideology, Linkage Institutions, Political Parties

Close Exit Ticket - Claim Revision - 3 minutes

Before you leave today, provide a 1-3 sentence response to the following prompt.  Your response should be a specific claim AND provide a line of reasoning.

Prompt:  How has the expansion of suffrage influenced modern campaigns and elections?

AP EXAM PREP - Missing Pieces and Foundational Documents

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