Friday, November 1, 2019

Day 27 - Executive Simulation AAR
Learning Targets:
  • Explain how presidents have interpreted and justified their use of formal and informal powers.
  • Explain how the president can implement a policy agenda. 
  • Explain how communication technology has changed the president’s relationship with the national constituency and the other branches.
Opener: CUA #2

Reviewing content, concepts, and skills

Activity #1 - Presidential Simulation AAR

After having completed the executive branch simulation, take time to reflect on the following questions:
  1. What were the greatest challenges to success?  Identify at least 2.
  2. What were the keys to success?  
  3. What would you have done differently?

Activity #2 - Executive Wrap Up and Review

Before you leave, ensure that you have completed and turned-in the following:
  • Simulation Product (recommendation, speech, AAR questions)
  • Executive 1-pager (in your notebook)
  • Roles of the President Handout
  • Homework (Presidential Vetoes Graph)
Close:  Explain how and why presidents have expanded the power of the executive branch over the last 150 years.

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