Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Day 36

Crime and the Economy

Learning Targets:  Students will be able to....
  • Explain how economic conditions influence criminal behavior
  • Describe how governmental laws and policies attempt to influence the economic decisions of producers and consumers
  • Understand how social scientists attempt to explain and reduce criminal behavior 

Opener: Quick write:  Chicken or the Egg?

Does poverty lead to crime, or crime lead to poverty?  To what extent can government policy influence either?  Explain.  Be sure to use examples (real or hypothetical), data, and or expert commentary to bolster your claim.  Record your answer, data, and examples in your notebook and be prepared to present your argument during Monday's brief U-debate.

Activity #1: Background Data and Readings

Consider some of the data and readings below to include in your argument during next week's scored U-debate, BUT you are also encouraged to find and use your own as well.  Remember to prepare to refute or make concessions based on arguments and data that may contradict your own selections.

Criminal Victimization
Crime in schools

Income and Poverty
Income data by county



Activity #2: - Project Start

Prepare a list of at least 4 questions on the topic of either crime, the criminal justice system, wealth and poverty, economic systems, etc.

Record these in your notebook as well and be prepared to share these during Monday's debate as well.  One of these questions will form the core of your final project

Close US Constitution Test/Retakes on Monday following the U-debate

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