Day 17
Intro to Political Ideologies and Beliefs: Political Socialization
Intro to Political Ideologies and Beliefs: Political Socialization
Learning Targets: Students will be able to....
Explain the relationship between core beliefs of U.S. citizens and attitudes about the role of government.
Explain how cultural factors influence political attitudes and socialization.
- Former President Barack Obama, State of the Union Address, 2016
Opener: Statistical Analysis - TIP-C + M.C.
1. Which of the following is a potential consequence of the trend present in the chart above?
a. Campaign fund raising will become less important in future elections as more voters turn to social media.
b. Social media platforms will likely be forced to comply with Federal Election Commission restrictions and guidelines.
c. Younger voters will likely demonstrate an increased involvement in politics and elections compared to previous generations.
d. New forms of mass communication can influence how younger citizens choose to learn about and support candidates.
Below is a series of statements designed to encourage you to think about an begin forming your stance on relevant issues regarding political socialization. Once you have formed your view on each statement, and placed yourself of the U continuum, you should prepare to do the following:
To enter the debate you should...
- Make your claim
- Outline your reasoning
- Address a counter argument and explain why you think that it is incorrect
Statements for debate:
1. Public schools are best suited to help students form their political views.
2. Political ads should be limited to an equal number for each candidate in an election and should have to be approved by an appropriate bureaucratic agency.
3. Most voters choose which political party to support based upon what government policies best benefit them over personal ideology or beliefs.
Activity #2: - Political Socialization - Quickwrite
In no more than 5-6 sentences, explain how expanding the right to vote to American citizens over the last 150 years has influenced how we form our political views.
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In no more than 5-6 sentences, explain how expanding the right to vote to American citizens over the last 150 years has influenced how we form our political views.
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