Friday, April 3, 2020

AP Exam Review - Session 3

So here is the latest guidance on the AP US Government Exam (as of last night):

  • There will be 2 modified essay questions...that's it.
  • A 25 minute argumentative essay and a 15 minute scenario based essay.
    • More detailed guidance forthcoming
  • Test Date will be May 11th
  • Administered via lockdown browser

While this a change, it could be a HUGE break for us.  Between now and then, all we have to do is review the core concepts, cases, and documents while practicing two brief essay formats.  Realizing that each of you is dealing with a different reality right now, I still firmly believe that we have the time and opportunity to take advantage.

Most of you have received scores and feedback from our first practice questions and I have now started looking at the second set.  This third set should be scored with feedback within the week.  Please make sure that you are looking at the feedback that I have provided.  

Exercise #3 - Free Response Questions

Each of you have been assigned a NEW practice FRQs in AP Classroom.  Once you can get logged in, look for "FRQ:  Equality and Federalism".  There are 2 short answer questions
  • Follow the directions and be as detailed and specific as possible.

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