Friday, March 27, 2020

Week 1 Wrap up

So this concludes our first week of the virtual classroom.  It has been impressive to watch how many of you have transitioned seamlessly to this format.  For those of you that have found it to be more challenging, here is what I would offer.

  • Make sure that you are creating a daily routine to the best of your ability.  Not only will that help keep you from getting too far behind, but it can help keep you sane as well.  Admittedly, I'm just now finding my own rhythm.
  • Do not hesitate to send an email if you have questions or concerns.  Turnaround is usually the day of, but within 24 hours in any case.
  • Turn in everything in the "virtual notebook" that you have created via Google Docs.  There is no need to create a new document for each day.  Simply "push" everything down a few lines and start the new day at the top.
  • Most of our focus will be on reviewing content from earlier in the year and trying to relate it back to more recent content or current political events.  New material will be introduced slowly and plainly so as to minimize confusion and frustration.
Feedback has/will be given as comments in your virtual notebook and on completed FRQs in AP Classroom.  Please take a look at these comments as we move forward.  Everyone should have feedback before we start the next week so that we all have an opportunity to improve our analytical skills and knowledge.

Have the best weekend possible!

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