Friday, February 28, 2020

Day 17 - 
Political Ideology Wrap-up
Learning Targets:  Students will be able to....
  • Describe different political ideologies on the role of government in regulating the marketplace.
  • Explain how the ideologies of the two major parties shape policy debates. 
  • Explain how U.S. political culture (e.g., values, attitudes, and beliefs) influences the formation, goals, and implementation of public policy over time. 
  • Describe different political ideologies regarding the role of government in regulating the marketplace. 
Opener: or - A quick review

Number 1-10, then decide whether each statement represents a Democratic or Republican stance
  1. More government is the problem, not the solution
  2. I would rather see my taxes cut and lose benefits
  3. Public education needs the assistance of federal funding
  4. Medical coverage is a right and should be provided by the government
  5. Corporations should be heavily fined for violating environmental laws
  6. There can be no limits placed on the right to bear arms
  7. Only legal immigrants should be entitled to any government benefits
  8. A flat tax rate is the only fair way in which to distribute the burden of taxes
  9. The federal deficit should be reduced even if we have to cut benefits
  10. Traditional family values and religion are the heart of society
Activity #1Political Party Stances

See T-Chart on whiteboard

Activity #2Unit 4 Quiz


  • Political Ideology
    • What does "Liberal" and "Conservative" mean?
  • Political Socialization
    • How do we form our political views?
  • Party Stances
    • Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian
  • Polling
    • Types, uses, advantages/disadvantages, etc.
Close Student CPE Presentations 

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