Monday, May 13, 2019

Days 37 - ?

Criminal Justice and the Economics - Thesis, Research, and Policy Proposal

Learning Targets:  Students will be able to....
  • Explain how economic conditions influence criminal behavior
  • Describe how governmental laws and policies attempt to influence the economic decisions of producers and consumers
  • Understand how social scientists attempt to explain and reduce criminal behavior 

Opener: U-debate - Continued

Does poverty lead to crime, or crime lead to poverty?  To what extent can government policy influence either?  Explain.  Be sure to use examples (real or hypothetical), data, and or expert commentary to bolster your claim. 

Activity #1Question Conversion - Background Data and Readings - Research Continued

  1. Take out the 4 questions that you generated last time in class.
  2. Choose the question that you think would be most valuable to find an answer to.
  3. Create a (hypo)thesis statement that attempts to answer that question.
Consider some of the data and readings below to include to support your thesis.  Remember, this data is not meant to overwhelm your audience and should not attempt to replace logic or reason.  In other words, explaining your stance and talking to your reader is even more important.  The data is to provide legitimacy to that argument.

Criminal Victimization
Crime in schools

Income and Poverty
Income data by county



Activity #2: - Policy Proposal Possibilities - Entering the Iron Triangle!

Once you have begun to cement your thesis and build an evidence-based argument, the next logical step is to begin looking at policy options for how to improve upon existing policies.  THIS is where the rubber meets the road.  
  1. Your task is to identify and broadly outline the powers and funding granted to local, state, or national legislators, bureaucratic offices, or non-profit organizations that you believe is best suited to address your specific concerns.
    • For example, is the problem/proposal that you are addressing one of funding, policy, law enforcement, business, revenue, etc.?
  2. Next, identify what actions that institution already taken in the past to address this issue.  How effective has this been?  What policies or programs should continue, end, or begin to address this issue?
  3. Who else is "on this"?  Identify at least one other associated interest group, agency, and/or individual that you could potentially connect with to shore up your support in addressing this issue?
  4. Finally, begin a draft letter (see below) of 1-2 typed pages that could be submitted to one of the options listed below.  Your letter can ask questions, make proposals, or simply provide commentary.  The intention in this early phase is simply to establish a channel of communication between you and that official or organization.
    • Elected official
    • Bureaucratic office or official
    • Interest group or non-profit organization
Letter Structure:
  • Brief introduction 
    • Who you are, your interest in the topic, your intention of the letter
  • What you already know:
    • About the issue
    • The organization or office
    • The person you are contacting
  • What you would like to know or propose
    • About policy or programs
    • The organization or office
    • The person you are contacting
  • Your contact information or intention to follow-up
U-debate participation - 5 pts.
Research Question/Thesis - 8 pts.
Research Data and Background  - 5 pts.
Identification of outline of organization - 5 pts.
Draft letter - 15 pts.

Close US Constitution Test/Retakes on Friday following the U-debate - Epilogue

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